Sunday, January 10, 2010

Thank You To Colleagues For Sympathy Death And Sickness?

Death and Sickness? - thank you to colleagues for sympathy

When I say (to someone like a friend or colleague) that someone is close to my family sick, dying or dead and another person says something like feeling or express condolences / / / pain painful sympathy, what is the right way to respond to me? How can I let them know that I really appreciate your concern? Do not just say thank you or something?


lfh1213 said...

"Thank you. It is useful to know that for many people."

"Thank you. That has been a difficult time and our friends are wonderful."

"Thank you. Please note) your thoughts (and prayers."

sirmrmag... said...

Thank you and Thank you ... Only the person you are for their concern and support very grateful.

Mustbe said...

Thank you ...
You could say it's great to have a friend like you.
or ..... Thank you Thank you for your kindness.

Whooosh! said...

Thank you for your condolences. Not necessarily more to say. If you are interested, can an update on what's happening and everything. If you are close enough, you can let them know how you feel this too. Available to you if you feel well.

bitchy_s... said...

A simple thank you is usually enough.

bitchy_s... said...

A simple thank you is usually enough.

Diamond said...

just say thank you

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